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Elections and the Right to Vote



says he has little or no interest in politics.


believes that elections in Mexico are conducted in accordance with the law, the ballots are counted, and the winners are determined without fraud.


feels represented by the current political parties.


trusts the Navy, obtaining the first place in institutional trust, followed by the Army (71%).


trusts the Agents of the Public Ministry, which implies the last place in institutional trust. In the penultimate place, the judges and magistrates (42%).

Elections and Right to vote

I will read some phrases. Could you tell me if you fully agree, somehow agree, slightly agree or disagree?

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Confidence in Institutions

How much do you trust or not the way in which (…) do their job? Do you trust a very much, somewhat trust, do not trust or distrusts a lot?

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¿Qué tanto confía o desconfía en la manera de hacer su trabajo en...?

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Partidos y Elecciones 2021

¿Por qué partido votó para Diputado o Diputada Federal de su distrito en 2021?

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Simpatía por Partido Político

Y, ¿en este momento simpatiza con algún partido político?

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Simpatía por partidos

¿Con cuál partido político simpatiza usted?

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Interés en la Política

¿Qué tanto interés tiene usted en la política?

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